If you don’t know who Anika “Lady Shafrika” Larsen is, do yourself a favor and look her up. Now. She is one of the most exciting and talented performers on Broadway today. Have you looked her up yet? If you have you’ll find she not only is a fine actress with a voice to die for, she’s also an incredible human being. One whom I’m honored to call a friend. 

Last night Anika was on Jimmy Fallon’s show with the cast of Avenue Q. I tried to post the video here, but the code just wasn’t cooperating. You can look it up, but you don’t get a real sense of just how spectacular her voice is from that video, so here’s a video promo for her a show her theater company produced called Shafrika the White Girl:

And definitely check out her theater company, Jaradoa. Mercy, beauty, truth indeed.