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Seriously, my friends. This is no joke and I want all of you to take advantage of it right now. I will tell you up front that this is only for the ladies, but if you are a man who knows a woman who could use $50, keep reading and spread the word., a new website for female artists, runs a talent contest every month. To boost entries (so far there are only 5, 1 from the company), this month they are offering $50.00 to each entrant who uploads a video to the contest. It costs $.99 to upload a video, but you get $50.00 back, so you end up $49.01 ahead. 

Here’s what you have to do:
1. Create an account with
2. Upload a video to the talent contest


The first prize in the talent competition is $1000.00. The second prize is $500.00. And did I mention there are only 5 entries so far?! I want all the talented women in my life, network and universe to benefit from this, so enter now and spread the word.

Once you’ve entered, check out the rest of the site. Musicians can upload and sell their music. Filmmakers can upload and sell their films. And anyone can create an online store to sell whatever strikes their fancy. Stores right now sell everything from homemade soap to vintage clothes, from tchotchkes to high-end furniture.

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m doing some online community/social media consulting for this company. (My preferred title is “Community Diva”, but I’ll take Community Manager, too.) So yes, in a way, posting this to my blog is like advertising for a company for which I work. But even before I starting working for this company, I was posting about it on Facebook. I truly believe in the company and in their mission, and I think they can be a positive force for female artists. And that’s something I can get behind, no matter what my affiliation with the company.

Please spread the word on this. Re-post this. Link to this. Retweet. Whatever. Just go forth and help female artists prosper!

May 2024

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